最近正在K一本小說:風之影(The Shadow of the Wind,作者為Carlos Ruiz Zafon),厚厚500頁的巨著目前才看了1/5,卻發現這本書裡面常有一些如珠妙語,頗值得欣賞與玩味,因此摘錄出來和各位分享。 

  1. A secret's worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept.  (秘密的價值在於必須對之保守秘密的對象。)

  2. I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most.  (出於人性愛追求那些讓自己最受傷者的永恆愚昧,我比以前更加愛她了。)

  3. Dunces and blockheads live in a state of perpetual envy.  (笨蛋與傻子活於永恆地嫉妒之中。)

  4. To truly hate is an art one learns with time.  (真心的恨一個人是需要花時間來學習的藝術。)

  5. People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living weren’t already complicated enough.  (人們有把自己的生活複雜化的傾向,好似生活本身還不夠複雜一樣。)

  6. If you ever have a daughter, you'll begin, without realizing it, to divide men into two camps: those you suspect are sleeping with her and those you don't. Whoever says that's not true is lying through his teeth.  (如果你有女兒的話,在渾然不知的情況下,你就會開始將全天下的男人分為兩類:一類是你懷疑他們想要和你女兒上床,另一類則否。如果有人宣稱這話不真實,他必定是在說謊。)

  7. Presents are made for the pleasure of the one who gives them, not for the merits of those who receive them.  (禮物是為了送禮的人的喜樂,而非受禮的人的功勳。)

  8. In this world, the only opinion that holds court is prejudice.  (在這個世界上,偏見是法庭唯一採信的意見。)

  9. The only useful thing about military service is that it reveals the number of morons in the population. And that can be discovered in the first two weeks; there’s no need for two years.  (當兵唯一的用處就是發現世界上到底有多少笨蛋。然而要發現這件事只需兩個星期,沒有必要花兩年的時間。)

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